December 2019: a couple hundred of us headed upstairs to the KX Hotel rooftop to celebrate the launch of KXT2020. We were all there to enjoy that special KX ambiance, to celebrate another year of indie theatre and to cheer in the next season. Before the directors and producers introduced their shows, Suzanne got things started with a look back and sneak peek forward

“In 2019 KXT hosted 17 KXT shows, 11 Popupstairs seasons; 3 Festivals - Step Up, Storytellers, Pop Up Come Out. As we look back we’re part proud of our investment in new work, emerging artists, inclusive and representative programming; gender equity and opportunities for emerging and early career artists. Since launching KXT has championed new work, providing both a platform for emerging and established writers, and a space for development. And in 2019 KXT was home to an unprecedented number of premiere works, as a part of the JackRabbit takeover; in the Popupstairs program; with the launch of Write Up; and as a part of the KXT2019

KXT2019 included Leopardskin by Michael McStay ★ The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Little Eggs Collective ★ A Little Piece of Ash by Megan Wilding ★ Omar and Dawn by James Elazzi ★ Step Up Festival ★ Ignite by the writers of New Ghosts Theatre ★ Rosaline by Joanna Erskine ★ nomnomnom at KX by Roshelle Fong ★ Storytellers Festival ★ UBU by Richard Hilliar ★ Maureen, the Harbinger of Death by Jonny Hawkins ★ Doing by Amy Sole ★ Infidelity and Enlightenment by Lauren Bonner ★ Falling Skies by Braden Frascone ★ Rudy & Cuthbert Toby Blome and Zelman Cressey-Gladwin ★ Surf Séance by Rachel Kerry ★ A Little History Play by Caleb Lewis ★ Betty Breaks Out by Liz Hobart ★ Sheds in the City by Charlie Vaux ★ But You Don’t Look Sick by The C CollectiveHoney Boo Boo Blood & Gore by Carissa Licciardello ★ Confessions of a Custard Melon Pan by Arisa Yura ★ Fortitude by Richard Graham ★

All of this?? New Australian writing

A benchmark of KXT has always been our work in GENDER EQUITY In 2016 we began as we intended to continue: with Invisible Circus, curated by Siren theatre & bAKEHOUSE TheatreCo: a month long celebration of the work of women by women. Programming at KXT has continued to feature multiple women-led projects. 2017: 8 female directors; 14 female writers ★ 2018: 12 women directors; 10 women producers; 8 shows designed by women; 8 plays written by women. Inaugural Storytellers festival: 14 women playwrights + 13 women directors ★ And this year: 15 female directors, 14 female producers, 15 female writers, 21 female designers PLUS many dozens of actors, directors and writers participating in the Storytellers Festival.

We’re proud to be at the forefront of DIVERSE AND INCLUSIVE WORK With shows like Jatinga, Black Jesus and the Laden Table, The Serpents Teeth, Good Dog, A Westerners Guide to the opium Wars, Are We Awake, Omar + Dawn, A Little Piece of Ash, Kaleidoscope, and more bAKEHOUSE has set the benchmark for inclusive and representative work that puts Sydney on the stage. This year we were home to 8 projects telling diverse stories

At bAKEHOUSE we have a long held record of COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND PARTNERSHIPS And in 2019 we structure this into the KXT Crossroads program, where art and community intersect. Featuring partnerships locally and internationally including ACON; AAWC; Oz Harvest; Chris O’Brien Lighthouse; Smith Family, SSEG, The All Saint Africa Centre and much more. We believe that contrary to the opinion of our politicians and commentators theatre is more relevant today than ever, at a time when many of us seek connection and community. At KXT BAKEHOUSE continues its commitment to theatre for social change, using the resources available to us to positively impact on our world and the people in it.

Many NEW COMPANIES have been birthed at KXT Producers are a rare breed: driven by equal measures unstoppable passion and pragmatism, these unsung heroes make the work possible. If you’ve self produced you’ll appreciate the value of a wise producer. We need more of them, and they need your support. At KXT we’ve been assisting new companies to viability, with an unprecedented program of marketing and production support and financial subsidy, with many launching at KXT including Last One Standing Theatre; Green Door Theatre Co; Pip and Hann Inc; Manifesto; the Anchor; HBR Creatives; Some Company.

IN 2019 The Step Up program was back for its second year, and it hit its stride. Step Up is the formalisaton of a long held bAKEHOUSE philosophy: providing opportunity and support for new and emerging artists by setting them alongside professional and experienced practitioners. In this way we:

·      Support the early work of emerging writers

·      Provide platforms to showcase promising young actors

·      Create relationships and pathways for designers and production practitioners

·      provide opportunities for directors, producers and future leaders

·      Champion companies as they strive to achieve and expand

And by investing in the Step Up team we’re fast tracking the Next Big thing, who built and hosted a festival, attended shows, ran meet ups, built industry connections, landed placements with some of our leading companies, and received personal support and guidance. In 2019 KXT was home to more than 20 emerging directors, writers, producers. In 2020 we’ll open up apps for Step Up in February, with the team ready to jump into things in March.

A feature of 2019 was POPUPSTAIRS | providing MORE SPACE FOR MORE ARTISTS we partnered with KX Hotel to launch a creative space sharing program. Through the year, the Popupstairs pilot project ran short seasons of new and experimental work in the Bordello, the rooftop and the Glasshouse. From time to time we crept into Dive Bar, and on the odd occasion we took audience into the basement.

This year Kings Cross Hotel hosted movement work, some clowning, a site-specific adaptation of a German great, a nuts take on a classic, heaps and heaps of new writing, There were no fancy posters or glossy programs, the chairs are orange and the lighting is limited. We didn’t have a heap of promo going on. But you could expect to see the unexpected. And it took off with sold out seasons, huge responses, and great reviews. Thanks to KX Hotel the program will be back in 2020, new and improved. Its an uncurated program where we match shows with dates. Tomorrow morning you can jump onto the website and pop in your app. We have 11 tiny seasons available and we’re looking to fill the spots with the most interesting new work going.

So Popupstairs opened up 3 additional performance spaces in the hotel; Charlie and Andreas opened the door to dozens of new artists during their HiJacked Rabbit venue takeover running double bills, short seasons and multiple spaces; Joanna Erskine’s Storytellers returned with even more writers, actors and directors launching new work, more than 120 artists; and Legit Theatre Co took the KXTeethcutting Play Read program to exciting new places. If you make a space for artists, they’ll fill it

KXT would not be a viable operation without the support and partnership of staff and management at KX Hotel. These legends meet, greet and serve our audience; help us manage lift access; support our Opening Nights; come to the shows; help us deal with noise spill and early evening party goers; take care of security; keep an eye on regs so we don't burn the joint down; roster staff to suit our shows; move chairs around levels; jump into bar service when we're in the Bordello; print up signs; provide support to community partnerships and free events; coordinate live music and DJs around our business; and generously support us with all sorts of deals and discounts. Shout out to Reece, Miles, Kayla and Maddie and a whole heap more excellent sorts that keep the wheels turning on a 6 level night club with a theatre in the middle. It shouldn’t work, but somehow it does

A large part of what makes all this work is the people. In 2020

·       Charlie Falkner is back, working most closely with companies on new work, as we wrestle with the challenge of giving premiere Australian plays a further life. He’ll be a key part of our management and decision-making team, and from time to time will take up the reins. Much like HiJacked Rabbit and pretty much everything at KXT we’ll be making it up as we go along, responding to the needs and necessities of a vital but under resourced industry. He’s here somewhere tonight, buy him many drinks and thank him for all he has done, and all that he will do next year.

·       we’re partnering with Montague Basement to invest in 2 key areas; support of new and emerging producers and production companies, and investment in early stage writers. Imogen and Saro are jumping into the room to assist young artists as they build a way forward in an uncertain industry, and assist them to find a way to a viable and sustainable career. They’re a frighteningly over qualified team and we are just thrilled to have them on board

·       Panimo creatives will be providing networking, relationship building and support for young and emerging artists

 ·       KXT Artistic Assoc Rebecca Blake is back to guide and support the young artists of the Step Up team

·       This year Charlie Vaux takes over the reins of the Popupstairs program

·       Mat and Annie continue their winning ways with Legit theatre co continuing to deliver top notch play reads for KXTeethcutting

On behalf of John and Andrew I extend the hugest of thanks to Charlie, Imogen, Saro, Rebecca, Charlie Vaux, Annie and Mat, Jodie, Jack and Ewan.

So what does 2020 hold?

·         18 seasons

·         8 world premieres, 4 Australian premieres, 2 Sydney premieres

·         5 plays telling the diverse stories of 2020

·         5 plays that have been programmed following readings at Storytellers Festival or KXTeethcutting, or through the Step Up program

·         10 female directors

·         9 female writers

·         11 female producers (and more to come)

·         13 female designers (and more to come)

·         24 early career writers, directors & producers

Of KXT David Berthold says: “so good to have this venue doing consistently good work. It’s a glory: what can happen when artists take over a room and make it their own”  

Thank you for making KXT your own. We’ve been thrilled and overwhelmed by the response from so many, we’ve been heartened by what we’ve all been able to achieve and we’re excited for the next 12 months. KXT is in the heart of the X in the heart of the city, and there’s a lot of heart here tonight.

See you in 2020”

Suzanne x


as we head into the launch of KXT2020 we take some time for our annual look back

Gender Equity at KXT

In 206 we began as we meant to continue: showcasing the work of powerhouse and tenacious women of our industry, dedicating a month of programming to the INVISIBLE CIRCUS a platform for the writing, art and ideas of artists who just happen to be women.

Co-curated by Kate Gaul of Siren Theatre and Suzanne Millar of BAKEHOUSE, featuring 3 plays in rep, and a series of rehearsals and events, KXT was handed over to the quiet achievers who have been getting the job done.

2017: 8 female directors; 14 female writers; 17 producers who happened to be women; 10 writers who happened to be women

2018: 12 women directors; 10 women producers; 8 shows designed by women; 8 plays written by women. Inaugural Storytellers festival: 14 women playwrights + 13 women directors

2019: 14 women writers; 11 women directors; 13 women led teams


“there was nothing for people like me – millennial girls – and I was struggling to find writing that talked like I did, or spoke about the things I speak about” Pippa Ellams, to Audrey Journal about her work at KXT


Inclusivity and representation at KXT

bAKEHOUSE has a long commitment to inclusivity and representation, leading the sector in diverse stories and casting as long ago as 2009 with the inaugural StoryLines festival. Since launching the company 11 years ago we’ve demonstrated a commitment to putting true Australian stories on our stages

2017 Jatinga, an international collaboration with Mumbai based theatre companies

2017 The Laden Table a multi writer piece developed over 4 years

2016 Black Jesus the first BAKEHOUSE prod at KXT launching Elijah Williams professional career and marking out KXT as a home for global stories

2015 I AM WE ARE community based project in Mt Druitt using theatre to provide pathways to university for our newest citizens

2014 His Mothers Voice at ATYP another large cast show with 13 Australian Asian actors

2013 Two Chair 22 actors from 19 countries with 13 languages for CRACK festival

2012 Coup d’Etat giving Mulim women of Malyasia a platform for their stories

2012 Junction with Guy Simon and Stacy B

2012 A Land Beyond the River the story of refugees from Sierra Leone and Sudan

2009 StoryLines Festival featuring the world premiere of Burkini by Alan Valentine

2008 her holiness faiths collide in a story of female empowerment

Along the way we’ve partnered with multiple organisations, NFPs and charities to connect vital stories to their communities.

Since launching KXT our Crossroads and Chesterfield programs have ensured that our work is relevant, urgent and honest.

Want to see Sydney on the stage? Head into the cross

Key Programs at KXT



In 2019 we partnered with KX Hotel to launch a creative space sharing program, opening up more spaces to more artists. Through the year, the Popupstairs pilot project ran popup seasons of new and experimental work in the Bordello, the rooftop and the Glasshouse. From time to time we creeped into Dive Bar, and on the odd occasion we took audience into the basement.

There was an enthusiastic response from artists and audiences alike, and the season took off. Cheers to these legends for jumping in boots and all

Thanks to KX Hotel the program will be back in 2020, new and improved. Head along to the KXT2020 launch to hear all the details Sunday 1 December at 7.00 pm on the KX Hotel Rooftop

Investing in the future.

The Step Up program is the formalisaton of a long held bAKEHOUSE philosophy: providing opportunity and support for new and emerging artists by setting them alongside professional and experienced practitioners. In this way we

·      Support the early work of emerging writers

·      Provide platforms to showcase promising young actors

·      Create relationships and pathways for designers and production practitioners

·      Mentor directors, producers and future leaders

·      Champion companies as they strive to achieve and expand

by investing in the Step Up team we’re fast tracking the Next Big thing

In 2019 we invested in


of new work: Write Up provided space and time for a first look at 7 new works

click for more

click for more

Investment in new writing

KXT has been home to an unprecedented number of premiere works, as a part of the JackRabbit takeover; in the Popupstairs program; and as a part of the KXT2019

click for more

click for more

More space for more artists

Charlie and Andreas opened the door to dozens of new artists during their HiJacked Rabbit venue takeover; our creative space sharing partnership with KX Hotel opened up 3 additional performance spaces in the hotel; Joanna Erskine’s Storytellers returned with even more writers, actors and directors launching new work; and Legit Theatre Co took the KXTeethcutting Play Read program to exciting new places.

Pathways for emerging artists

this year Step Up delivered in spades with regular meet ups; mainstage engagement; a major festival; and exciting relationship building.

click for more

click for more

Since launching KXT has been at the forefront of:

Diverse and inclusive work

Investment in new work

Community engagement and partnerships

locally and internationally including ACON; AAWC; Oz Harvest; Chris O’Brien Lighthouse; Park Theatre; and much more

Gender equity

In 2016 we began as we intended to continue: with Invisible Circus, curated by Siren theatre & bAKEHOUSE TheatreCo: a month long celebration of the work of women by women. programming at KXT has continued to feature multiple women-led projects

click for more

click for more

new companies

Supporting and assisting new companies to viability, with many launching at KXT including Last One Standing Theatre; Green Door Theatre Co; Pip and Hann Inc; Manifesto; the Anchor; HBR Creatives; Some Company

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We're launching KXT20202 on Sunday 1 December 7.00 pm up on the Kings Cross Hotel rooftop If you're in for the night make sure you high five the staff on the bar...

KXT bAKEHOUSE would not be a viable operation without the support and partnership of staff and management at KX Hotel. These legends meet, greet and serve our audience; help us manage lift access; support our Opening Nights; come to the shows; help us deal with noise spill and early evening party goers; take care of security; keep an eye on regs so we don't burn the joint down; deal with the occasional dropped ball; roster staff to suit our shows; move chairs around levels; jump into bar service when we're in the Bordello; print up signs; provide support to community partnerships and free events; coordinate live music and DJs around our business; and generously support us with all sorts of deals and discounts.

Shout out to Reece, Miles, Kayla and Maddie 2019); Josh, Ben and Tara (2017 + 2018); Lloyd, Alex and Rose (2016) and a whole heap more excellent sorts that keep the wheels turning on a 5 level night club with a theatre in the middle.


  • Mardi Gras 2016 - 2019

  • Vivid Sydney 2016

  • Visiting Hours multi level immersive 2016 & 2018

  • Invisible Circus 2016

  • Sydney Fringe 2018 & 2019

  • Popupstairs 2019

  • season launch 2017, 2018, 2019

  • Christmas Eve Dinner 2017

  • the Glasshouse 2018 & 2019

  • Dive Bar artists hangout 2019


Content warnings are on the feed again. We used to think - like many others - it was an unnecessary indulgence but ......


We have been in the theatre on 2 occasions when an audience member has been triggered. Once without a foyer announcement or program warning... Terrible thing, just awful. Someone headed out to the theatre for a night and found themselves reliving the most difficult moment of their life. No one would went to do anything to cause such trauma. No one would want to be responsible for that

The second time was with a foyer warning and program and online information. Again, a truly awful thing for anyone to experience. But there was some comfort in knowing that this particular audience member had made a decision to attend based on all the information made available to them.

We have also been in the theatre when someone fainted due to confronting content on stage, and the show was stopped. An incredible display of professionalism followed from ushers who cared for the young man, to the young women on stage who waited in character at the most difficult moment of the play, and the stage manager who called the stop and then the restart.

And we have been in the audience of a play so controversial that we received an email in advance from box office with warnings. And when someone became unwell during the perf due to content, the show was stopped and a well oiled machine moved to make sure she, the audience around her and the cast were safe and well. And an incredible cast picked up perfectly when all was calm

We programmed a play so challenging in form and content that half the audience walked out during the first preview (one shaking her head and muttering to FOH ‘good luck with that’). Literally half the audience. By opening we had tweaked the warnings and content information and the rest of the season went smoothly.

At KXT we often program risky and challenging work. We’re a theatre in a pub in the heart of the city’s so-called but fading red light district. If you’re going to see a play with confronting content it will be here.

We have regularly staged work that other venues have turned down due to content. (We also program happy plays that make you smile and laugh but this post is not about that)

Also we support emerging artists and emerging work, which may mean theatre that pushes the boundaries. It’s how you find the new and exciting voices of the next generation of theatre makers.

Content warnings allow theatre makers to push boundaries, to explore the power of theatre, to discover their (or their audiences) “line in the sand” and to do so freely, confident that they do no harm.

⚠️ WINK by Jen Silverman contains adult themes and nudity


Since launching in 2016 KXT has championed new work, providing both a platform for emerging and established writers, and a space for development.

“The exciting thing about going to Kings Cross Theatre is that you may well be seeing people and ideas at the beginning of their creative lives. You’re watching artists learn new performance languages, test themselves and their audiences, and offer their art in a sincere attempt to connect with an audience in the heart of Sydney. Every KXT work, in some way, pushes forward the Sydney arts scene… it’s a chance for the audience to see where our local performance culture is headed” Cassie Tongue, Time Out Sydney



Leopardskin by Michael McStay with JackRabbit

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Little Eggs Collective with JackRabbit

A Little Piece of Ash by Megan Wilding with JackRabbit


Omar and Dawn by James Elazzi

Doing by Amy Sole for KXTPopupstairs

Sheds in the City by Charlie Vaux in dev

StoryLines for Cana Community in dev


Storytellers Festival  

Step Up Festival

Infidelity and Enlightenment by Lauren Bonner for KXTPopupstairs

Falling Skies by Braden Frascone for KXTPopupstairs

Ignite by the writers of New Ghosts Theatre

Rosaline by Joanna Erskine

nomnomnom at KX by Roshelle Fong for KXTPopupstairs

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Rudy & Cuthbert presented by Toby Blome and Zelman Cressey-Gladwin for KXTPopupstairs *Melbourne 2020

Surf Séance by Rachel Kerry for KXTPopupstairs

A Little History Play by Caleb Lewis for Batch Festival

But You Don’t Look Sick by The C Collective in dev

UBU by Richard Hilliar for KXTPopupstairs


Honey Boo Boo Blood & Gore by Carissa Licciardello in dev

Confessions of a Custard Melon Pan by Arisa Yura in dev

Fortitude by Richard Graham in dev

Betty Breaks Out by Liz Hobart for KXTPopupstairs

Maureen, the Harbinger of Death by Jonny Hawkins with JackRabbit


We support new writing with the following programs:


a writer’s circle program for developing work, peer networking and dramaturgical support, a bAKEHOUSE / Montague Basement partnership.


a pop-up celebration of playwrights and words. the presentation of full-length plays, small pieces of writing, and special events


offering space and time for the early development of new work


a creative space sharing initiative in partnership with KX Hotel, based in the Bordello and utilising other unused rooms and spaces, providing a platform for experimental and non traditional theatre


KXT programming has featured new work from the following


Michael Costi - Yvonne Perczuk, Nur Alam, Raya Gadir, Chris Hill, Marian Kernahan & Ruth Kliman - Purva Naresh - Justin Fleming - Philip Rouse - James Raggett - Noëlle Janaczewska - Priscilla Jackman - Jessica Tuckwell - Sunny Grace - Clare Hennessey - Paul Gilchrist - Jetpack - John Harrison - Constantin Costi - Melita Rowston - Ellana Costa - Tobias Manderson Galvin - Dr Tom Payne - Melissa Lee Speyers - Laura Lethlean - James Elazzi - Joanna Erskine - Katy Warner - Gretal Vella - Michael McStay - Megan Wilding - Liam Maguire - Little Eggs Collective - Lauren Bonner - Braden Frascone - Jonny Hawkins - Arisa Yura - Carissa Licciardello - Rachel Kerry - Toby Blome & Zelman Cressy-Gladwin - Roshelle Fong - Liz Hobart - Jodi Rabinowitz - Angus Cameron - Alexander Lee-Rekers - Saro Lusty-Cavallari - Jackson Used - Laneikka Denne - Sam O’Sullivan - Charlotte Salusinszky - Nikita Waldron - Saman Shad - Ally Morgan - Amy Sole - Danny Ball - Richard Hilliar - Simon Thomson - Xavier Coy - Charles O’Grady

★ ★ ★ ★

Visiting Hours (2016, 2018) - The Laden Table (2017) - Jatinga (2017) - Dresden (2018) - Night Slows Down (2017) - Youth + Destination (2017) - Good With Maps (2016) - The Angelica Complex (2016) - Tiny Remarkable Bramble (2016) - Transience (2016) - Atlantis (2016) - Rhinoceros (2016) - Shut Up and Drive (2016) - Kaleidoscope (2016) - Between the Streetlight and the Moon (2017) - Before Lysistrata (2017) - Puntilla/Matti (2017) - A Christmas Carol (2017) - Two Hearts (2018) - Youth + Destination (2018) - Dresden (2018) - Omar and Dawn (2019) - Rosaline (2019) - Shandy’s Corner (2019) - Rudy and Cuthbert (2019) - Good People (2019) - Leopardskin (2019) - A Little Piece of Ash (2019) - Rime of the Ancient Mariner (2019) - Australian Open (2020) - Hubris & Humiliation (2020) - Fighting (2020) - The Linden Solution (2021) - You’re Not Special (2021) - Lilac (2021) - Tongue Tied (2021) - Videotape (2021) - Symphonie Fantastique (2021) - Dead Skin (2021) - Little Jokes in Times of War (2021) - Falling (2021) - The Marriage Agency (2021) - Not Today (2021) - UBU (2021) - The Park (2021)





Rage Room by Angus Evans + bonus The Chair Light as a Feather by Andrew Lindsay

Dir: Fiona Hallenan-Barker With Claudia Barrie, Richard Cox, Will Bartolo, Lara Lightfoot, Helen Tonkin, Karlie Evans, Jasmin Simmons, Alex Kelly, Andrew Lindsay


LAUNCH EVENT A taster of new work from Festival writers ++ a networking night for writers and industry on the KX Hotel rooftop.


Ties that Bind: Tales of inescapable human connection

The World According to Jerry by Xavier Coy • New Gods by Mark Langham • I Think I Hate Myself by Jasper Lee-Lindsay • Karma by Michelle Morgan • Crocodiles by Vidya Rajan • Lilac by Jackson Used

Directed by: Shane Anthony, Erica Brennan, Rebecca Blake, Patrick Howard With: Mark Langham, Lib Foster, Kieran Foster, Brendan Miles, Kate Skinner, Tom Matthews, Dilroop Khangura, Amelia Campbell, Tim Kemp, Brett Rogers, Samm Ward, Morgan McGuire, Suz Mawer, Abi Rayment, Eloise Snape, Guy O’Grady


Mother Tongue A powerful night of female voices and stories

Stella Started It by Donna Abela • Dead Skin by Laneikka Denne • Tower Living by Hannah Grant • The Witch by Alison Rooke • Tampax? by Chloe Schwank • The Princess Party by Samira Spring • History by Lily Stewart

Directors: Kim Hardwick, Sophie Kelly, Jane Grimley With: Zoe Carides, , Deborah Galanos, Eloise Snape, Rizcel Gagawanan, Victoria Greiner, Camilla Turnbull, Chloe Schwank, , Lily Stewart, Hannah Grant, Alicia Fox, Andrew Guy, Meg Clarke, Jasmin Simmons, Alexandra Morgan


REINVENTIONS New stories inspired by classic works

Factory by Christopher Bryant (after Marat/Sade) • The Starchitect by Emma Gibson (afterThe Master Builder) • (We Ate) The Poisoned Apple by Lana Morgan (after The Twelve Dancing Princesses)

DIRECTORS: Kirsty Kiloh, Luke Holmes WITH Keila Terencio, Suz Mawer, Rizcel Gagawanan, Mary Haire, Dilroop Khangura, Kaitlyn Thor, Firdaws Adelpour, Alexander Spinks, Zeadala, Yana Morgan, Steve Corner, Madeline Stedman, Lucy Green


The Greer Effect by Vanessa O'Neill

Keeping Time by Sophia Davidson Gluyas & Max Hopwood

A new work about Australia's most renowned and outspoken feminist, and a local story told with heart, humour and music.

Cathy Hunt With: Elizabeth Nabben, Amanda Stephens-Lee
Sophia Davidson Gluyas With: Ben Gerrard, Margarita Gershkovich, Graeme McRae, Dannielle Jackson


Son of Byblos by James Elazzi

Adam and Claire, cousins from Lebanese Australian families, come to terms with their sexualities, at odds with cultural expectations. An urgent new play from the writer of Omar and Dawn.

DIRECTOR Dino Dimitriadis with Mansoor Noor, Nisrine Armine, Simon Elrahi, Deboarah Galanos


Help Yourself by Keziah Warner

A comedy about the complexity of human relationships, real and imagined. Joni has the perfect relationship, in fact, it's too good to be true. When her mother invites Joni's imaginary boyfriend to dinner, hilarity ensues.

Directed by Lucy Clements With: Di Adams, Brandon McLelland, Chantelle Jameison, Claire Lovering, Jake Speer


Mother Tongue A powerful night of female voices and stories

Stella Started It by Donna Abela • Dead Skin by Laneikka Denne • Tower Living by Hannah Grant • The Witch by Alison Rooke • Tampax? by Chloe Schwank • The Princess Party by Samira Spring • History by Lily Stewart

Directors: Kim Hardwick, Sophie Kelly, Jane Grimley With: Zoe Carides, , Deborah Galanos, Eloise Snape, Rizcel Gagawanan, Victoria Greiner, Camilla Turnbull, Chloe Schwank, , Lily Stewart, Hannah Grant, Alicia Fox, Andrew Guy, Meg Clarke, Jasmin Simmons, Alexandra Morgan


Ties that Bind: Tales of inescapable human connection

The World According to Jerry by Xavier Coy • New Gods by Mark Langham • I Think I Hate Myself by Jasper Lee-Lindsay • Karma by Michelle Morgan • Crocodiles by Vidya Rajan • Lilac by Jackson Used

Directed by: Shane Anthony, Erica Brennan, Rebecca Blake, Patrick Howard With: Mark Langham, Lib Foster, Kieran Foster, Brendan Miles, Kate Skinner, Tom Matthews, Dilroop Khangura, Amelia Campbell, Tim Kemp, Brett Rogers, Samm Ward, Morgan McGuire, Suz Mawer, Abi Rayment, Eloise Snape, Guy O’Grady


REINVENTIONS New stories inspired by classic works

Factory by Christopher Bryant (after Marat/Sade) • The Starchitect by Emma Gibson (afterThe Master Builder) • (We Ate) The Poisoned Apple by Lana Morgan (after The Twelve Dancing Princesses)

DIRECTORS: Kirsty Kiloh, Luke Holmes WITH Keila Terencio, Suz Mawer, Rizcel Gagawanan, Mary Haire, Dilroop Khangura, Kaitlyn Thor, Firdaws Adelpour, Alexander Spinks, Zeadala, Yana Morgan, Steve Corner, Madeline Stedman, Lucy Green


You’re Not Special by Sam O’Sullivan

A dark romantic comedy about relationships, technology and the dangerous line between truth and fiction in a digital age.

Dir: Dom Mercer, with Aileen Huynh, Jack Angwin, & Kate Cheel


Australia’s great writers share their s#!t for one night only. A hilarious night of writing that has deliberately been kept from public view, until now. Performed by a stellar cast, this is writing never to be seen again. Seriously.

With work from Lucy Bell, Lachlan Philpott, Caleb Lewis, Justin Fleming, Donna Abella, Joanna Erskine

Director Felicity Nicol With Matthew Backer, Anthony Taufa, Megan O’Connell, Laurence Coy, Kate Beckett, Mansoor Noor, Nyx Clder, Felix Gentle, Stacey Duckworth

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What’s in it for writers? Storytellers Festival is a showcase of new work. The Festival provides an opportunity to share work and invite people to hear your work, to further generate audience interest in new Australian writing, create new networking opportunities for writers, and encourage industry to hear work that is ready for production. Last year many writers connected with directors, producers and other artists taking these relationships forward with their work. A number of writers had their work programmed or continued developing their work following its Festival presentation.

Ticket prices will be kept low to encourage repeat audience attendance throughout the Festival. Box office will cover costs (minimal) after which 100% of remaining box office will be shared as a remuneration for participating writers, in both Spotlight and House Lights categories.



★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★


presented by White Box Theatre + Hasemann Ball and Rada

though provoking …weirdly entertaining – Broadway World

hilarious and heartbreaking – State of the Art

The energy of a committed cast binds you to your chair – Audrey Journal



presented by Montague Basement 

A visceral experience – Suzy Goes See

feels fresh half a century on and half a world away – Audrey Journal

A vibrant piece that stands out amongst Sydney's theatre scene – Playwave



devised and directed by Roshelle Fong


will have you both laughing and crying. Just be prepared to do some pretty strange things for the sake of customer service – theatre travels



Hi-Jacked Rabbit… what’s THAT about?


Providing opportunity and support for new companies, new artists and new work is a part of the bAKEHOUSE DNA. We’ve been doing it since we first kicked off eleven years ago, and we formalised it all at KXT in 2018 with the Step Up program. We’ve had the great privilege of being in the room when someone falls in love with acting and when a new play is born. When a half-made play finds its way. We’ve taken a chance on new designers and young directors and we’ve seen them rise to the occasion and flourish. New companies have launched at KXT, and emerging companies have built their work.

In their few short years of producing, JACKRABBIT THEATRE  have supported an incredible amount of new Australian work, backing first time writers, emerging producers and young directors in a way that few other indie companies in Sydney can match.

In January 2018 they kicked off the KXT season with Will O’Mahoney’s wonderful Tonsils + Tweezers. And we wondered what might happen if they had a home.

Well, this happened...

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Hi-JackedRabbit presented by JackRabbit Theatre, in partnership with bAKEHOUSE Theatre Co, Little Eggs, and Cross Pollinate productions, and made possible by the support of KINGS CROSS HOTEL


26 February - 1 March

JACKRABBIT THEATRE kicked off their Hi-Jacked Rabbit season with a double bill of what they do best: new, fast, and loud

TWO’S A COMPANY by Sarah Greenwood

Have you suffered through love before? Come and commiserate.

Dir: Charlie Davenport

With: Sarah Greenwood, Jack Scott, Brittany Santariga, Will McNeill, Shannon Ryan and Emma O’Sullivan

TECHNICAL: Charlie Vaux | PHOTOGRAPHY: Clare Hawley



We’re here. We’re Queer. We have everything to fear. A Mardi Gras Sketch Comedy

“Creative and clever, the work encompasses virtually all that is resonating within our immediate zeitgeist, effectively shaping itself into a condensed representation of our life and times. highly recommended”

- - Suzy Goes See

Written and Performed by
Salem Barrett-Brown, Danni Paradiso and Rory Nolan

TECHNICAL: Charlie Vaux | PHOTOGRAPHY: Clare Hawley

things to know if you’re coming to see a show at KXT…

• we’re on the second floor of Kings Cross Hotel, across the road from the coke sign.

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from the ground floor bar: head up the stairs to level 1 balcony bar - - you’ll see this sign on the door by the pool table.


make a pit stop at the bar as you walk past. You can bring your drinks into the theatre. 

TIP: maybe buy a show drink? Each season the cool cocktail makers at KX hotel come up with a themed drink to go with the show. Show drinks are all only $10 

• nearest bathrooms are on that level too

• yep, there’s an excellent kitchen in the hotel with excellent food. But make sure you arrive early, cause you can’t bring food into the theatre. Not sure if you’ve got time? Then let the bar staff know you’re going to the show and check to make sure


• if the stairs are a problem for you then we have lift access to the theatre. We’ll pop down before the show and check to see if anyone needs a hand. It’s a little bit of a rigmarole but we’re super happy to get that done for those of you that need it: accessible theatre is important to us. But it’s not a convenience thing - our stage managers are really busy getting the show on for you - if you can make your way up without assistance it’s an easy walk, so please do head on up. 

• doors at KXT open 30mins before the show. Sometimes we might be a little late opening: we’re an indie venue and there’s only a few people getting stuff done. We’re super grateful to our audiences for their patience 

approx 15 mins before the show is due to start we’ll open up the foyer. Sometimes actors need to warm up and we want them to be able to get ready for the show. But we’re keeping an eye on social distancing in the theatre foyer so we might get it opened a bit earlier.

• Seating at KXT is not reserved, and there are no bad seats! They all have great sight lines (and none of them have cushions ...) So there’s no need to queue up. 

• from time to time we might start the show late. We try to make sure we start at 7.30 but sometimes everyone arrives at box office at 25 past 7 and it’s not possible to process that many tickets quickly. You could help us get started on time by picking up your ticket earlier. Why not get in when doors open at 7.00 then go buy that drink? 

BUT don’t count on a late start! Mostly we get it going on time, and like all indie venues KXT doesn’t admit latecomers. NO REFUNDS for latecomers

• our FOH personnel are all volunteers. If you’re unhappy about something please don’t give them an earful! We need these kind and generous people to give up their nights and weekends to keep the theatre going and they deserve our thanks! If you’ve got a concern about KXT or the hotel then the best way to deal with that is to email us via the contact us page in the website 

we like to stage shows that other venues wont do: risky unknown stuff. So sometimes they’re a bit racy with a bunch of content warnings. Or they’re new. Or it’s adult content. Don’t be offended! You can read up on the shows over on the website. It’s good to do that before you book your ticket

• KXT admits under 18s. We love our young theatre goers, and want you to fall in love with KXT and come back for years and years and years! But KXT is in the most regulated area in Sydney, so be prepared to say hi to security ++ if you’re under 30 KXT runs discount nights just for you: Thursday is our $20 for 20s, the cheapest ticket in town. Book online and bring ID. 

• when we first started up not much was happening in the cross. But things are changing and there will often by bands, events or live music happening on other levels. We work closely with hotel management to control noise spill and we’re pretty sure it won’t disrupt your enjoyment of the show.

But if you do hear some distant sound we like to think of it as the sound of the cross coming back to life 

• questions? Problems? Concerns? Then message us via the website. But be patient, we’re unstaffed and it can take a few days for us to get back to you

what’s that about? KXT is completely unfunded. And we want to make sure all $$ got to the artists so we’re not paying anyone to reply to your emails. It’s our investment in the sustainability of independent companies. We’re kind of like a collective, a committed group of professionals working hard - for nix - to keep the doors open. We need you to know this so you’ll be kind to us! We work very hard because we believe that artists are the life blood of a city ...and the govt won’t yet give us any money.  


do you think we should get funding? Then contact city of Sydney council and tell them! We’ve asked a bunch of times but ... 

do you want to support our work? We’re mostly sorted for personnel but if you’d like to donate then get in touch! Every little bit helps 

• things are going well! but we’ve only been doing it for 4 seasons and we’re still building our venue loyalty. So we need you to help us spread the word. If you like the show please let everyone know. The price of a ticket goes some way towards offsetting the costs of the production - which is when artists get paid. We’ve had a few sold out seasons : which is AMAZING, Thank you!! But sometimes we’re surprised by good shows that play to small houses. Help us spread the word! 

• you can keep up by subscribing to our eNews, it’s got all the info. Or head over to our socials for the latest news as it happens 



SUNDAY 30 SEPTEMBER: Close out Fringe season with a unique musical experience up in the GLASSHOUSE first revealed as part of the bAKEHOUSE SOLD OUT season of Visiting Hours, and christened last week by Jonny Vaux from Bas & Co. This week take the lift to the rooftop, then head upstairs for a special up close and personal set from


Kicks off at 3pm, limited availability so get in early

SUNDAY 23 SEPTEMBER Kick off with something super special somewhere super special. Head upstairs at 5pm to start the night in the GLASSHOUSE Sydney’s newest and most exciting new venue, up in the Kings Cross clouds. BAS & CO break out some acoustic pop rock for an exclusive and select audience. watch the sun go down with the early session; see the lights come on with the after dark session; and hang out for the late night session.

strictly limited availability


PYJAMA SUNDAYZ take over Level 4 with their unique blend of alt pop. Featured on Triple J unearthed and regulars on Sydney’s live music scene, you won’t want to miss catching them in action in the luscious Bordello room up on 4.

Bar opens 8.00 pm