This is the Australian premiere of Port by Simon Stephens, a poignant exploration of longing, resilience, and the bittersweet nature of home. Set in Stockport, UK from 1988 to 2002, this powerful play follows Racheal Keats as she navigates a fractured family and the struggle to carve out her identity. It captures the emotional complexities of staying in one place and the journeys of those who venture away. Contemplating on feelings of nostalgia.
Returning home reveals a landscape unchanged, stirring deep thoughts on personal growth and the ties that bind us. As Racheal’s journey unfolds, audiences are invited to consider their own experiences with belonging and the pull of their hometowns. Port resonates deeply with anyone who has grappled with the desire to escape while navigating the weight of their roots.
Director Nigel Turner-Carroll; with Grace Stamnas, Louis Henbest, Evelina Singh, Deborah Galanos, Lilian Alejandra Valverde, Owen Hasluck
Designer Soham Apte; Voice & Dialect Coach Patrick Klavins
Producer Jason Jefferies, Bella Thompson, Grace Stamnas.
Early Bird Tickets are for preview performances only. The full season will be released shortly
This season is playing at KXT on Broadway || 181 Broadway, Ultimo
the KXT on BROADWAY theatre and foyer is wheelchair accessible - please get in touch before the show so we can meet your access requirements in the most comfortable way for you (mob) 0431 426 226
Latecomers will not be admitted. Ticket purchases are non-refundable