The Step Up Festival

In January the current Step Up Artists take over Broadway with a showcase of new work on the stage and a program of work in development downstairs in the KXT Vault.


  • Friday 10 Jan & Saturday 11 Jan 7.30 pm HEMLINES by Amelia Gilday

  • Sunday 12 Jan 5pm, Tues 14 Jan & Wed 15 Jan 7.30 pm Anatomy of a Scene from TOO HUMAN with Sammy Jing

  • Thursday 16 Jan 7.30pm SEA PICTURES by Spark Saunders Robinson

  • Friday 17 & Saturday 18 Jan 7.30 pm LET’S UNPACK THAT by Kate Wilkins & Nick Harriott

  • Sunday 19 Jan 7.30pm RED LETTERS by Adam Yoon

  • ALSO in development DANCING IN THE DARK with Jade Fuda

SEA PICTURES by Spark Sanders Robinson

in development | Thursday 16 January 7.30pm

collaborating artists: George Wholfiel, Nathaniel Kong, Samuel Herriman, Luke Visentin, Joanna Dionis Ross plus more TBA

working with puppeteers, writers, musicians and actors, exploring shadow puppetry, song and text, Sea Pictures is developed from a set of short stories exploring the sea and the way in which it mirrors the human experience and our loss of humanity through the irreversible destruction of our environment. Each story relates to two of Elgar’s sea picture songs - Sea Slumber Song and Where Corals Lie sung live and accompanied by keyboard. a development showcase

All Welcome! FREE with an option to support the artists. Limited avail, bookings essential

LET’S UNPACK THAT by Kate Wilkins & Nick Harriott


Kate Wilkins is a comedian with baggage. Nick Harriott is a pianist and comedian she hired to help her unpack it - literally and emotionally. Together, they’ve written a comedy concert about moving on, moving in, and moving boxes, and it just might move you too. A work in progress.

Music and lyrics by Kate Wilkins and Nick Harriott. Songs produced by Montaigne.

Tickets: $35 - $45

RED LETTERS by Adam Yoon


Two works in development, led by Step up Artist Adam Yoon

Devised and developed by Adam Yoon in collaboration with Josephine Lee and Minyu Vandenberg

The Emperor of the South Sea was Shu 儵  (Fast, Quick); the Emperor of the North Sea was Hu 忽 (Furious, Sudden); and the Emperor of the Centre was Hundun 混沌 (Chaos). From time to time Shu and Hu would meet in the land of Hundun, who would entertain them most kindly.  After a period, Shu and Hu deliberated how to repay Hundun’s favours.

They proclaimed “All humans have seven holes through which they look, listen, eat and breathe; he alone does not have any. Let’s try boring them.”

Every day they bored one hole, and on the seventh day Hundun died - Zhuangzi

Two boys

An impossible city

A river of time

An exploration of growing up, connection and how cities shape our imagination. A showcase of ideas and excerpts for newly devised work supported by KXT Step Up Program.



Director / performer Jade Fuda revisits Dancing in the Dark. First programmed as part of the covid-cancelled KXT2020 Popupstairs program, Jade heads downstairs to the KXT Vault for another look. Project details, including collaborating artists TBA


Sunday 12 Jan 5pm, Tuesday 14 Jan & Wednesday 15 Jan 7.30pm

drawing on a scene from the KXT2024 hit TOO HUMAN by Michael McStay, director Sammy Jing guides the audience through the process of page to stage, unpacking the work, talking about their work on the show, and doing a Q&A about how a scene is blocked.

Image Credit Jamie Simmons

HEMLINES by Amelia Gilday


Dive into the delightful and daring world of 'Hemlines', playing for two nights only at KXT on Broadway!

A fresh and provocative piece of devised theatre that balances on the razor's edge between the silly and the serious inviting you to question the threads that weave our lives together and shape our identities. This thought-provoking show will enchant and enlighten you, one stitch at a time. 

Must-see Sitchu

A wee gem of a piece. Theatre Travels

Imaginative, lively, and enigmatic. Disrupting Stages

Secure your tickets now for an unforgettable experience!

Directed by: Amelia Gilday; Devised and Performed by: Alicia Badger, Madison Chippendale, and Lana Filies

Stage Manager: Nick Vagne; Produced by: Moon Bureau

Collaborating Artists (Development): Amelia Gilday; Madison Chippendale; Lana Filies; Alicia Badger

Supported by Shopfront Arts Co-Op's Open Shop Program and bAKEHOUSE through the Step Up program.

Tickets $35 / $45

imagery from previous Step Up Seasons

STEP UP is a philosophy - a way of working in our sector that connects artists, builds pathways and opportunities, nurtures new work. A year long program supporting a team of emerging and early career artists.

The bAKEHOUSE team of Suzanne Millar, John Harrison and Andrew McMartin, supported by Charlie Vaux, work closely with a team of emerging and early career practitioners - designers, directors, writers, producers, actors, and technicians - to create a bespoke program of support.



TOBY BLOME You likely have seen Toby on stage at KXT, Ensemble, Sport for Jove, the Old Fitz, and others. Toby is one part of the dynamic team behind Everything But the Kitchen Sink festival that has been at a couple of venues in Sydney. This year Toby is focusing on developing their producing skills and to continue to develop as a writer

BEN BAUCHET has a background in comedy who now works primarily in music composition and sound design. A co-founder of young company Grow Bad, Ben aims to deepen their music practice and expand their writing: they say “I went to write about life in all its complexity and experiment with the ways you can tell a story”

CHRISTOPHER BRYANT is an accomplished Australian and international artist, touring and staging work that busts open form and content. You may have seen Christopher on stage, most recently in their 2023 season of New Balance at the Old Fitz. We’re excited to support them as they further expand their practice as a theatre maker and develop their new work, State of Play

MATT BOSTOCK is an emerging playwright, with a passion for telling socially impactful stories, and a belief that the stories on our stages can provide connection and community. Currently working between stage and screen Matt is looking to deepen his understanding and connection with theatre. In 2023 he aims to find guidance and support as he further develops his next work

LU BRADSHAW is an emerging director, most recently at the helm of Come Again staged here at Broadway as part of the Purple Tape venue takeover season. We’re thrilled to be working with Lu as they expand their directing practice and champion trans storytelling in theatre

MADISON CHIPPENDALE, CHARLOTTE SALUSINSZKY AND SOPHIE FLORENCE WARD 3 for the price of 1! Ghouls is a collective of theatre makers united by a desire to create bold new work. They will be spending the year developing a new piece of contemporary Australian theatre that blurs the line between performance and séance.

JADE FUDA was in pre production for her season as part of the KXT Pop upstairs program when COVID locked everything down. Since then they’ve performed with companies like Sport for Jove, staged their own work at popup spaces around Sydney, and co-produced last year’s hit The Face of Jizo at the old Fitz. During 2024 they will be picking up that covid abandoned project and looking to further develop their directing skills

AMELIA GILDAY is working at the cutting edge of theatre, integrating AV into design and looking at crossovers with screen and stage. Their most recent project was collaborating with a Japanese collective on an award winning film now showing in Tokyo. If there’s one thing we’ve learned about AV in live performance it’s that we need more experts with more expert skills! KXT is excited to support Amelia as they look to further establish their company Moon Bureau, expand and establish their directing practice, and build new relationships and collaborations.

SAMMY JING We first met director Sammy when they staged an early read of Rhomboid, and off the back of that read we programmed the show almost immediately, and in 2023 Sammy received the inaugural KXT Award for Emerging directors for that season. From Sammy’s application: “I like work that has a strong sense of style and personality. Work that makes you feel and think and cry and most importantly laugh. Work that has an opinion” We’re excited to see where this year takes Sammy.

EEZU TAN is a young playwright and director passionate about highlighting Asian-Australian stories and tackling the climate crisis. Eezu is spending the year strengthening their playwriting skills, further developing their current script, and building collaborations with other theatre makers. We’d also like to draw your attention to their work with arts driven grass roots organisation Climate Writers

KATE WILKINS was a part of the dynamic ensemble of Dumb Kids that took the KXT stage by storm in 2023. They’re an improv and comedy performer, with an ambition to develop original work, and intend to spend the year finding out ways to make that happen.

ADAM YOON having previously worked with Little Eggs Collective and Ninefold, Adam’s previous work has been explorative and experimental. Adam has a particular interest in working with youth at risk. Over the coming year he is looking to build collaborations, extend his interdisciplinary practice and explore ways that arts can intersect with youth support.

This program is supported by the S,B&W Foundation



Amy Sole, Bernadette Fam, Emma Wright, Emily Buxton, Hannah Fulton, Jasper Lee-Lindsay, Jodi Rabinowitz, Lucia May, Nicole Pingon, Jules Orcullo


Amy Morcom; Beth McMullen; Derbail Kinsella; Elijah Williams; Eve Beck; Hannah Goodwin; Jessica Adie; Joshua McElroy; Kate Walder; Luke Carson; Rebecca Blake; Tabitha Woo; Tom Mesker; Trishala Sharma


in response to the closure of theatres in 2020, KXT moved some opportunity programs to digital, and launched additional new initiatives.

Phone A Friend is a personalised mentoring program assisting early career artists to stay connected in the time of COVID.

The Laboratory is a bAKEHOUSE / Montague Basement partnership developing work, and offering peer networking and dramaturgical support.

BounceBack is a digital program of personalised meetings guiding producers through budgets, marketing and promotional campaigns, design, personnel, and product delivery, designed to equip producers and production companies to quickly deliver quality productions when trading recommences, and investing in the success of their seasons and new work for other venues

STEP UP is a philosophy ~ a way of working in our sector that connects artists; builds pathways; nurtures new work

The Step Up Festival is dedicated to The Next Big Thing. Come meet our Step Up team and take a peek at their work. Discover new plays in development. Take a first glance at the work of some of Sydney's newest and most exciting emerging artists: writers, directors, producers, designers all testing their wings.

Curated by 2019 Step Up Team & bAKEHOUSE 
