KXT is affordable and accessible.  

Every season has an Early Bird campaign with limited tickets available at $30

Previews at KXT are at the low price of $35 *these sell quickly so book early

We’ve capped ticket prices at $40 concession and $50 adult

Every Thursday is our regular OPEN DOOR performance. What’s that about? We’re offering $20 tickets to under 30, mob, students and unwaged. What’s that about? We believe art should be accessible for all. By folding affordable tickets into our ticketing structure, we’re confident that we’re keeping the doors open to all. Apply the code OPENDOOR to an adult ticket at the checkout page and your ticket price will be adjusted. This ticket is only available for Thursday night performances


We have flat access from street level for those with mobility needs

KXT on Broadway is accessible by wheelchair We also have dedicated seating for hearing and sight impaired.

We’re dead keen to see Mums and bubs at the theatre, get in touch and we’ll set you up with the best easy exit seats

KXT on Broadway has safe and accessible all-genders bathroom facilities, and we’re working to keep signage warm and welcoming. 

Note that some seasons run a dedicated RELAXED PERFORMANCE during their final week. Get in touch and let us know what you need.

Through our KXT Vault programs we’re regularly welcoming non-traditional theatres into our spaces, working with our Venue Staff to ensure that KXT on Broadway is a safe space

KXT is affordable and accessible.
