young, lively and imbued with a feeling of magic - concrete playground
bAKEHOUSE on opportunities, collaboration, diversity. Taking risks and saying Yes. And championing new and emerging artists, companies and work
Curating KXT was a steep learning curve. It’s a circus act, juggling what’s best for a venue, the artists, the audiences. The community. Our partners. We want to keep it accessible and affordable. We want the work to be ambitious and new and exciting and challenging and entertaining. And successful. We want to nurture the existing audience and grow a new one. We want to help existing companies to sustainability, supporting those indie legends that continue to bring world class theatre to Sydney at affordable prices. While providing opportunities to new and emerging companies.
Its not possible to be all things to all people. But we took some time to reflect on what we’ve done, what we’re doing and what we want to do. And the next big thing is the next big thing.
“the next big thing is the next big thing”
We work with each team member to shape their role at KXT. For some that may mean assisting on bAKEHOUSE productions, working with designers or directors. For others, it may be that we work with you on your script development. Or introduce you to people who might champion your work. Perhaps you just want to hang out at KXT, come to the shows, help out with FOH, learn how to operate the desk, sit next to some experienced designers, or producers, or directors. Maybe you want to come sit in on some rehearsals. Or find out about auditions. Help at auditions. Perhaps you've got a project you want to run that you reckon is a good fit for bAKEHOUSE & KXT. We'll make a time to have a chat about it.
You’ll get free tickets to the shows, opportunities to meet and work with some of Sydney’s professional artists and indie legends, and the chance to pitch for full productions and developments.
TWO CHAIRS in development with Cheyne Fynn, Jarrod Crellin & Elijah Williams
and then it got big … 2018
Tonsils & Tweezers with JackRabbit theatre
Visiting Hours John Harrison & Michael Dean working with Con & Michael Costi
Are We Awake by Charles O’Grady with Daniel Monks
Being Dead by Kerith Manderson-Galvin
the STEP UP FESTIVAL with Last One Standing Theatre, The Carousel from Pip and Han Inc, the first Upstart, Bite Productions & developments
YOUTH + DESTINATION played an extraordinarily successful season
new company The Anchor launched Laura Lethlean with the beautiful TWO HEARTS
New Ghosts staged their first full length play
and Jo Erskine launched the first STORYTELLERS FESTIVAL
all alongside work from Alex Berlarge, Workhorse Theatre, Mad March Hare, Brevity theatre and Erin Taylor, Kim Hardwick, bAKEHOUSE and Suzanne Millar
Leopardskin by Michael McStay
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Little Eggs Collective
A Little Piece of Ash by Megan Wilding
Omar and Dawn by James Elazzi
Doing by Amy Sole for KXTPopupstairs
Ignite by the writers of New Ghosts Theatre
nomnomnom at KX by Roshelle Fong for KXTPopupstairs
Rudy & Cuthbert presented by Toby Blome and Zelman Cressey-Gladwin
for KXTPopupstairs *Melbourne 2020
Honey Boo Boo Blood & Gore by Carissa Licciardello in dev
Maureen, the Harbinger of Death by Jonny Hawkins with JackRabbit
And so much more
But bAKEOUSE has been doing this for a while now: big love and a bAKEHOUSE shout out to Harry Tseng, Danielle Jackson, Monica Sayers, Alice Kheovong, Elijah Williams, Constantine Costi, Joshua McElroy, Clare Hennessey, John Goodway, Arisa Yura, Dino Dimitriadis, Michael Dean, Guy Simon, Michael Costi, Randa Sayed, Belinda Jombwe, Lucy Clements, Jessica Paterson, Mansoor Noor, Suz Mawer, Bardiya McKinnon, Becks Blake, and a whole crowd of other wonderful artists who've been a part of a KXT project.
Who said Yes.
“every KXT work in some way pushes forward the Sydney arts scene - its an opportunity for artists to experiment and create, and its a chance for the audience to see where our local performance culture is headed””