An accidental touch that led to a particular look that led to a lot of questions left unasked. Join these two in their brutal, awkward and immensely un-elegant attempt at uncovering what exactly they mean to each other.
Directed by Zoe Resnick with Jess Spies and Lily Boss-Bailey
Set + Costume Design Bella Sealtern Sound Design Zac Saric Stage Manager Jodi Rabinowitz Produced by Jason Jefferies
Much Stuff is an interactive and experimental piece about navigating complicated friendships, your fleabag-era and queerness whilst remembering to cook dinner and make rent. An unapologetic confessional of the rude and crude parts of being a human who is perhaps a little too sensitive.
But it’s okay, we promise. We meant that in the nicest way possible.
No really, you’re great.