at KXT on Broadway, bAKEHOUSE is committed to providing an affordable and accessible venue, providing independent artists with an opportunity to showcase their work, build their portfolio and pay their artists. We’re invested in the sustainability of companies, artists and new work.

A KXT season features the work of Sydney’s most experienced practitioners programmed alongside our most exciting emerging artists, with a focus on high-risk, quality productions.

We’re at the forefront of diverse programming, theatre for social change, and gender equity. The bAKEHOUSE StoryLines program is committed to identifying, engaging and investing in the next generation of Australian Stories.

A season at KXT on Broadway provides genuine pathways for artists to industry opportunities

KXT leads the way in new Australian work, programming world premieres alongside great local and international plays



Your show will have its season in Sydney’s exciting new indie theatre venue at KXT on Broadway


Our season dates are selected to provide as much time as possible for bump in, build, tech and rehearsal. That's a full week of tech, with 4 previews before opening. In 2025 we’re offering companies a full week of rehearsal in the KXT Vault FREE OF CHARGE.


KXT is the most affordable theatre in Sydney with a flat rate weekly hire. Most importantly: WE DON’T TAKE A BOX OFFICE SPLIT, so all that profit from your show is yours to pay your artists. bAKEHOUSE significantly subsidises each season, an investment in ensuring artists are paid


we let you in on the Monday then offer easy key access to the space during your hire - by the time you get to Opening Night you've had more than 130 hours in the venue


We promote your work across our social media platforms, subscriber base & marketing networks, and work with you to support your promotional campaign


A kick-ass lighting kit, state of the art desk & gear, & great sound. Everything your designers need to make your work beautiful.


we support your box office for previews & Opening Night AND run your Opening Night event, so you can focus on your show!


through a program of production placements for emerging artists we’ll support you with more personnel & connect you with the next generation of artists


Through the bAKEHOUSE Step Up program we’re providing opportunities & support for new work, companies & artists. Which means when you run a season at KXT you’re working amongst the most exciting community of emerging creatives in the country

KXT is home to multiple value-adding programs: The Vault at KXT; Storytellers Festival; KXT Crossroads events; The Laboratory; StoryLines, bAKEHOUSE Residencies and more.

When you’re programmed at KXT you become part of a lively and engaged community of artists & audience


seasons at KXT on Broadway in 2025 will run for 3 weeks

the KXT on Broadway season includes 4 previews, critical performances designed to ensure your show is at its best by opening night

ticket prices are set each year and are standardised for all productions. KXT on Broadway has many inbuilt affordable ticket options.

companies have a full week of rehearsal time available to them in the KXT Vault, for the week immediately prior to their bump in. This is provided to companies in the 2025 season free of charge

bAKEHOUSE operates on an upfront venue hire fee. There is no box office split, and companies have access to ticketing.

venue specs and company FAQs will be provided when offers are sent out.

please note that we are not equipped for site visits. However, there is always a show in performance, and we encourage you to purchase a ticket