TEN YEARS OF OPERATION in 2015, bAKEHOUSE partnered with KX Hotel to launch KXT - Kings Cross theatre. We gutted level 2, reconfigured the room to our now signature traverse layout, and set about investing in Sydney’s independent theatre scene. As we hit our 10th year we are again mixing things up and trying something different.

You are invited to apply for bAKEHOUSE’s 10th season at KXT - this time on Broadway.

Click on the links below, check out the updates, and follow the steps. We’re keeping it super simple

?? WHAt’s new ??

this year’s call out has TWO DEADLINES

The first is for companies applying for January, February and March 2025. The second is for companies applying for April - December. See the timeline below for further information


Applications for January - February - March 2025

closes Monday 30 September

Announced October

Applications for April - December 2025

closes Friday 11 October

Announced January 2025

WANT to know what we’re looking for?

click on the button below to see what floats our boat

you’ve read all the info? then get ready to APPLY

FIRST UP read all the info on this page thoroughly there’s some important info on the links

SEND us a short covering email telling us why this is the show you want to stage

ATTACH a single page doc with a brief overview of the show, why you reckon it should be part of the season, and details of your production and creative team, with any confirmed cast

AND a copy of the script

PLUS evidence of the availability of rights you must confirm rights are available before submitting

INCLUDE 2 options for preferred months this is VERY important

ALSO your short, sexy 100-150 word marketing blurb for the show

You’ve got all your info together? Wonderful!

EMAIL bakehousetheatrecompany@gmail.com

WITH 2025 EOI + the name of the play in the SUBJECT LINE

IMPORTANT if you are applying for the start of the year, please include Jan-March in the subject line

IMAGERY from KXT2024 & KXT2023

THE LAST 10 YEARS In 2015 we launched with bAKEHOUSE Assoc Artist Michael Dean’s season of the avant-garde Roadkill Confidential by Sheila Callaghan and the year that followed included work directed by Rachel Chant, Priscilla Jackman, Kate Gaul, Suzanne Millar, Shane Bosher, Richard Hilliar, and Michael Abercromby.

Companies that jumped into the tiny KX stage included a recently launched Montague Basement, Tooth & Sinew, subtlenuance, bAKEHOUSE Theatre, Brilliant Adventures, and Siren theatre. That year casts included a lineup of familiar and fresh faces: Thomas Campbell, Elijah Williams, Dorian Nkono, Amanda Stephens-Lee, Jane Phegan, Poppy Lynch, Bobbie-Jean Henning, Harriet Gordon-Anderson, Julia Robertson, Madeleine Withington, Kurt Pemblett, Eve Beck, Kym Vercoe, Contessa Treffone, Joshua McElroy, Monica Sayers, Katie Shearer, Arisa Yura, Geraldine Viswanathan and Michael Whalley

Also included in the lineup in our first year was new work by Charle O’Grady, Noëlle Janaczewska, Jessica Tuckwell, Clare Hennessy, John Harrison, and Con and Michael Costi. Some of the Creatives who first wrestled with the traverse were Saro Lusty-Cavallari, Richard Neville (MandyLights), Ash Bell, Tegan Nicholls, Clemence Williams, Elia Bosshard, Benjamin Brockman, Bryce Halliday, Ella Butler and Matt Cox.

Ten years later we continue to champion early career artists working alongside experienced professionals, new writing, and ambitious, diverse companies and productions.